Thursday, November 10, 2005

And the Beat Goes On

Banging the drumbeat against uncontrolled development can get rather monotonous after awhile, but someone has to do it. There's some solace in the fact that Dan Nataf's most recent survey out of the Center for the Study of Local Issues confirms what most of us already know: We're sick and tired of having more development and its attendant traffic foisted upon us. Thirty-six percent of county residents surveyed identified growth and transportation as the biggest issues facing the county (up 8 percentage points from the spring).

Good news from the poll is that 70 percent of respondents back increasing bus and light rail service, even if it results in higher taxes. And, 56 percent support paying an annual $60 watershed restoration fee, to help repair the impacts of stormwater damage to the environment.

Bad news on the horizon: The projected growth in west county as a result of the expansion of Fort Meade is going to cost the County billions of dollars in infrastructure upgrades that will, according to County Executive candidate Dennis Callahan (D), leave little spending available for "luxury items."

Why can't we get some politicians in office who will actually do something about these issues, rather than just give lip service to them? Only 362 days or so until we can do something about it.



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