Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Pay to Play

Today's Baltimore Sun reports that several of the prospective County Executive candidates for 2006 have already raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for their campaigns (Dirk Haire (R) - ~$200,000; George Johnson (D) - ~$200,000; John Leopold (R) - $148,000; Phil Bissett (R) - It's a surprise!). Even though the election is nearly 2 years away, Haire, who has extensive "experience working on large business deals involving governments and corporations" (a frightening admission if ever there was one), already hopes to raise $1.5 million.

All this begs the question, why are at least 4 different people prepared to raised millions of dollars for an office that pays about $150,000/year? Is it to faithfully serve the public good? To do us proud by helping to keep County government functioning smoothly, while at the same time helping to preserve our quality of life, or make it better? Or is it for ego, and perhaps personal power? Several of the candidates (i.e., Leopold, Bissett, Johnson, and Callahan) all have records in public life that we can examine to gain a little more insight into their possible motivations. And that's what we'll be doing over the course of the next year or so.

The article does contain a ray of hope though, apparently Barbara Samorajczyk (D - Annapolis), the quick-witted firebreather from Annapolis Roads has not yet decided that she won't run for Executive. Ms. Samorajczyk is one of the most conscientious and committed public servants the residents of the County have on their side.

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